Saturday, March 12, 2005

Taisha Sho - Mobbed by the adoring public

Taisha Sho - Mobbed by the adoring public
Originally uploaded by Jason In Japan.

This photo captures what it's like for many JETs when we go to elementary schools. The kids just love having us there, and I often have to wade thru them to get to the door when I leave, etc. I feel like Gulliver in the land of Lilliput at times, but it's so much fun most of the time.

This is a very genki group of 3rd graders at Taisha Elementary.

I ate lunch with the 2nd graders at Taisha Sho the other day and when I was getting ready to leave, the teacher suggested I sign one student's notebook as she had been following me around all day. So I drew her a little Batman sketch and signed my name, and in an instant I had a line of 15 second graders all wanting me to sign various things. It can give you that rock star vibe at times, but it's all in good fun.
The kids that day taught me a Japanese game with a ball on a string attached to a hadle that has 3 cups and a peg (or "ken") on it. Much harder than it looks, but they were all masters. I'll have to get a picture of them playing with one.

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