Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Drawing of me and Sara

Drawing of me and Sara
Originally uploaded by Jason In Japan.

I got a nice email from my predecessor, Sara, the other day, wherein she mentioned that she reads this blog from time to time to remember her time in Taisha.

So I'm posting a pic of this cool little drawing one of my 3rd graders at Araki Elementary school did of me and Sara.

On the sides it says our names (Sara-san & Jason-san) in Katakana and in the middle it says "Moto kite kudasai" in Hiragana, which means "Please come again." Sometimes I have the best job in the world. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what? even better than hollywood video? Shirley, you can't be serious! Hiya Jason, it's been a long time, didn't Episode 3 kick ass, wasn't batman begins amazing, wasn't fantastic 4 ok, aren't you missing the weather here in SD, isn't this a long array of questions, don't you love the fact that Paul is still puttin' out records, aren't you bummed you ain't going to comic con? Anyhoo, I too check this page from time to time and felt like throwin' ya a shout out from yo' boy in purple. Bung!